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How‌ ‌can‌ ‌you‌ ‌Accelerate‌ ‌Digital‌ ‌Transformation‌ ‌in‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Organization?‌ ‌

What Is Digital Transformation?

Salesforce has stated that the definition of digital transformation is “the process of using digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.

4 Keys to Accelerate Digital Transformation in Your Organization

1. Use Right Technology

In digital transformation, the first step is to define your desired business outcome and then decide on the systems and technologies that will support your goal. You will have to focus on two things:

  • Build a new digital platform according to your business requirements.
  • Make changes in your operating models to use that platform.

The biggest misunderstanding in digital transformation is that new technology is the only answer to all problems. But we must understand one thing, technology is an enabler only it’s your processes that drive outcomes.

Read more: Technological Trends 2022


2. Train your employees

These are unprecedented times. Companies require to rethink everything, including how employees across the organization work together and share data. The pandemic is transforming people’s approach towards work, mobility, and flexible working models. Most of the new models would be powered by digital platforms. Some are technically savvy and others are not. We had to really think about how we can help everyone using technology and should give proper training and interaction sections through video conferencing, chats, and so on. Offer plenty of flexibility and seek regular feedback from your employees so you can adjust to their needs and offer any necessary support.


3. Expand Your Customer Base and Build Trust Online

Digital technologies make it possible for even the smallest companies to have a global reach. It may be time to start taking advantage of these opportunities and look into the market to a wider audience. Another challenge we face here is how we can build trust online. This can be achieved through content marketing, social media brand stories, and so on.


4. Re-think Security And Take Risk

Security is often considered important but not taken as a priority. This could lead to breaches in the system. Given that the digital world is vast, many viruses and cyber crimes are likely to happen. Make sure all information and data within the company are kept and secured properly. You wouldn’t want a security breach which disrupts a number of your business operations.


Follow a few tips:

  • Install Google Chrome’s Ad Blocker in your computer’s browser,
  • All your corporate email accounts should use two-factor authentication (2FA),
  • Ensure That All Connections Have VPNs

Spawoz can help you to change your business processes and ways of working positively through digital transformation, Look for case-studies or evidence of the work we have done for others and the positive impact it’s had for those businesses.

At  Spawoz we have a strong and multifaceted team of expert professionals with extensive business consulting and technology experience. We can give comprehensive consulting and advisory support; help you identify opportunities for digital transformation and maximize your ROI. Want to gain further insights into our services and solutions or if you are looking to jumpstart your Digital Transformation journey, talk to our experts.

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